Invited Speaker---Dr. Radim Jiroušek

Department of Decision-Making Theory, Institute of Information Theory and Automation, Czech Academy of Sciences, Czech Republic
In 2016, Radim Jiroušek retired from a position of a dean at the Faculty of Management, University of Economics, Prague, but he is still active in his professional life. Currently, he is an Editor-in-Chief of the international journal KYBERNETIKA published by publishing house Academia, Czech Academy of Sciences, and teaches Ph.D. courses at the both University of Economics, Prague, and at the Czech Technical University in Prague.
In the eighties and nineties of the last century, he belonged to a group of authors promoting probabilistic graphical models but currently is well known as a founder of the theory of compositional models, which is an alternative applicable in several uncertainty theories (possibility, Dempster-Shafer, and others). In the international scientific community, he is famous as the main organizer of a series of Workshops on Uncertainty processing held regularly since 1988. Currently, he is also a Czech coordinator of the bilateral Czech-Taiwanese research project "Compositional Models for Data Mining," supported by the Czech Academy of Sciences and the Taiwanese Ministry of Science and Technology. His scientific bibliography comprises more than 150 entries, the overwhelming majority of which were published abroad in English.